There are so many movies that depict the depth of female
friendships. Where to start, well, how about a topic that women love to
discuss…sex!! Who doesn’t love watching Sex in the City?! When I was
“courting” a fairly new female friendship, we decided to hang out at my home
one night, allow the kids to play in the other room (husbands were out of town)
and watch Sex in the City together. It was perfect! Because with any new
relationship, even female friendships, there can be moments of awkward silence,
so this made a perfect “first date” and we had laughs together, and chatted
while we watched.
Sex in the City |
When you may be missing an old crazy friend, a night with Thelma
and Louise and their courageous, naughty antics will bring back
memories of youth with young daring and crazy girlfriends. Those are stories for another time…
Steel Magnolias and Fried Green Tomatoes are those family/friend movies to watch that will make you laugh, cry and bond with your own mother, sister, daughter or BFF. They are the never go out of style movies, that are filled with so much that is literally...
way, out of style, yet the meaning and depth of the relationships are endless
and beautiful.

Stepmom… is one of those movies that if you are ever in the mood to just ball your eyes out for no reason, and you would rather have a reason, it’s a ‘must see’. One of my all-time fave chick flicks. I believe, as a step-mom and a biological mom, one of the most real stories, of jealousy, envy, courage and empathy that you will ever see.
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants movies are lighthearted movies about friendship that young adults can really connect to. An honest depiction of friendship, the ups and downs, the excitement and disappointments that come along with real life.
Beaches and Now and Then are both movies about lifetime friends. The joys and sorrows of friendships for life. How so many people will come and go in your life, but your girlfriends, true lifetime girlfriends, will stand the test of time… and also withstand kids, marriages, divorces and crazy families.
What about the younger generation that hasn’t yet experienced life’s major dilemmas? We know that girl drama starts way before adulthood, and when your in high school, it seems like nothing could ever be worse! Mean Girls depicts the nastiness of high school drama with a slice of humor and revenge. It's a must see for teen girls and their mom's. We have to know what to expect, in case we have so quickly forgotten.
Bend and snap!
As I said earlier, going to movies, or renting movies at
home are not always the most bonding experiences you will have with your BFF’s,
nor the most memorable… and for friendships that are old and comfortable, it’ll
give you something to pay attention to every now and then, like background
noise while you are nonstop talking about nothing and everything… but for newer
friendships, that may be in the earlier stages, it relieves the pressure of
always having to say something. Sometimes learning to be friends is just
getting used to each others company, and learning to just spend time
So, I hope you find one of these movies about friendship meets
your needs. Whether it’s a night in alone to reminisce and have a good cry... or
time spent bonding with an old friend or reaching out to a new one, enjoy the
movies, and your friends. Be blessed.
Angelika "Geli" Ulku
Angelika "Geli" Ulku